London was a success. |
With 20 days remaining on my crazy journey throughout Europe, I decided to check out London. Where do I begin... Well for starters, I love English. I missed it so much I was so happy to spend all weekend in a country where I could communicate! My cousin studied in London for a year his junior and I remember listening to his stories from London. He talked about how amazing and happy his heart was being in the city. Of course like always, he was right.
Your typical red phone booth with a glimpse of the Big Ben. |
Our voyage to the UK began on Friday as we got out of class early since our professor didn't show up. Our train was delayed but luckily we planned for everything so made our flight with hours to spare. As we were flying through the clouds I saw the most beautiful view I have ever seen. The sun was caught right between some clouds and it had an orange tint. It was truly magnificent. I haven't even landed in London and I was already star struck with the beauty. Taylor, Lydia and I landed to London and had absolutely no idea where to go or what to do. Luckily, I ease dropped and heard a familiar American tone so we followed this kind family from Oregon onto a bus. Sadly as we arrived to our Airbnb it was not what we had hoped. After realizing we have booked a place more than an hour away from the center. Not only were we off location wise, this hostel had really gross bathrooms. I tried to limit my amount of time in the hostel. As Saturday soon arrived we found ourselves enjoying a traditional English breakfast. I've never been more happy to have eggs for breakfast unless the basic toast and butter the Czech Republic fed me.
I took too many pictures of the Big Ben that is for sure. |
One of the hardest things to adjust in London was the metro system. We got our Oyster cards and loaded them up. However, I found it so confusing how we would get off one tube then move to another. One time I lost 5£ because I didnt realize I didn't clock out when leaving the station. We got around really well somehow. The people were so friendly and helpful. Everyone is smiling and happy which a nice change to see coming from the Czech Republic.
Wicked with Hannah, Jessica, Taylor, and Lydia |
My favorite part of this weekend was Saturday night. I attended my first Broadway show, wicked. Never in a million years would I suspect myself paying $50 to watch a Broadway show. But when in London right? It was totally worth the money. Wicked was absolutely amazing. The talent in that show is nothing but amazing. The chemistry between the lead acts made it even better. I became emotionally attached to the show at the end (typical me) that I teared up when it was over.
London Eye. |
London Bridge. |
Another outstanding event was the Camden market! This brought me flash blacks of the California life. Made me miss my mom a little more since when I was little she use to take me to these all the time! Reason why I'm such a good bargain shopper (thanks mom).
20 days family and friends! Only 3 weeks.. So my annoying snapstories and Instagram pictures will soon come to an end. I've been having mixed emotions about going home lately. During the week I find myself very homesick especially this weekend when my brother graduated and I wasn't able to attend. But as I'm boarding this plane back to Prague from London my heart is leaving a piece behind. I feel in love with London.. I've been falling in love with every new place I go to. No city has disappointed. My heart will come back with pieces missing from these last 3 months, however I know I have the best family and friends and put my heart back together.